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Tapping Into Immortality: What Jellyfish Can Teach Us

Vampires, deification, deals with the devil, aging portraits in the attic, being a jellyfish: if you’re looking for a path to immortality, jellyfish might actually have the answer. It’s not science fiction, either. A certain species of jellyfish, Turritopsis dohrnii, may just hold the secret to eternal life. Turritopsis is a type of warm water…

B12 Deficiency

Lethargic? You Could Have B12 Deficiency

If your energy levels feel lower than ever these days, you might have a vitamin B12 deficiency. B12, also known…

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Barefoot Living

The Benefits of Barefoot Living

When’s the last time you walked through the grass, soil or sand, barefoot? If it’s been a while, you might…

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Earth Overshoot Day

#MoveTheDate and the Struggle to Push Earth Overshoot Day Back

The struggle to live a sustainable, environmentally friendly life gets harder every year—for us as well as the planet. Mother…

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Hygiene Hypothesis

The Hygiene Hypothesis: Is There Such a Thing as Being Too Clean?

Good cleanliness is extremely important. It helps prevent the spread of germs and benefits overall health. But is it possible…

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Are Plants Toxic? A Healthy Debate on The Carnivore Diet w/ Dr. Paul Saladino

Are we supposed to be vegans or carnivores? Dr. Paul Saladino has a very unique answer to that question. Since…

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Coffee is the Miracle Drug You Always Hoped It Would Be

Is coffee good for you? It’s a question many avid java drinkers find themselves asking as they gulp down a…

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Girl Scout Cookies: Do They Do More Harm Than Good?

Let’s discuss the most beloved cookie in the world: The Girl Scouts Cookie. Many of us just buy this cookie…

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Immune-Boosting foods

8 Immune-Boosting Foods to Safeguard Your Health

What does the term “superfood” actually mean? Generally, people use the term “superfood” to describe foods with great nutritional benefits….

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Galahad Clark: What Shoes are Doing to Your Feet + Why Barefoot is Better

Did you know that 70% of our brain’s information about movement comes from our feet? So, it follows that healthy…

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Probiotics Prepare Your Gut (and Your Immune System) for Battle

We often think of bacteria as a bad thing. It’s only natural, since most of the bacteria we hear about…

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Oral Health: The Synergic Relationship between Oral Health and Overall Wellness

Did you know your overall health is highly dependent on your oral health? There is a synergic relationship between the two….

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Debunking Sleep: Bio-Optimizations for Great Sleep

Do you believe 8 hours of sleep at night is optimal? Do you also believe in taking sleeping pills or…

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Pleasure Follows Pain: Why Make-Up and Break-Up Sex Are So Good

One minute you’re fighting. The next minute, you’re performing sexual acrobatics that your teenage self could have only dreamed of….

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Debunking Food Labels: Which Labels Are Just a Marketing Scam?

Let’s tackle food labels. When you go to the grocery store and you are trying to pick out eggs, do…

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