Try Resonance Repatterning Therapy to Change Your Circumstances

If you’ve ever been so anxious you’ve thrown up, or get headaches when you’re angry, you’ve experienced the link between the body and the mind. When we fail to process our emotions in a healthy manner, our body processes them for us.
This can result in a psychosomatic illness. Psychosomatic illnesses are “a psychological condition involving the occurrence of physical symptoms, usually lacking a medical explanation…People with psychosomatic disorder usually don’t report overt symptoms of psychiatric distress. Instead, they believe their problems are caused by medical conditions.” People who have trouble expressing their emotions, have a history of child or sexual abuse, live a chaotic lifestyle or suffering from depression or personality disorders are most likely to develop psychosomatic illnesses.
Resonance repatterning therapy is an alternative therapy designed to address the problem at its emotional roots. Proponents believe that you can self-heal from a number of conditions (including mental and physical health disorders) by working through the behaviors, emotions and patterns associated with your trauma.
Is this modality right for you? Read on to find out.
What are you resonating with?
There’s a significant amount of research showing that emotional trauma can create physical maladies. In The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma, Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D. “uses recent scientific advances to show how trauma literally reshapes both body and brain, compromising sufferers’ capacities for pleasure, engagement, self-control, and trust. He explores innovative treatments—from neurofeedback and meditation to sports, drama, and yoga—that offer new paths to recovery by activating the brain’s natural neuroplasticity.”
Resonance repatterning therapy takes a different theoretical approach. The baseline idea is the same, but resonance repatterning practitioners believe that “each person has a certain frequency that correlates with specific events or circumstances. As a result, what we resonate with is what we attract in life. We will experience these events or circumstances throughout our lives—until we change our frequencies, that is.”
In other words, your therapist helps you find those emotions and behaviors that are keeping you down. After you work through them, your brain and body are “reprogrammed” to resonate differently. Whether you believe it’s due to energetic frequencies, neuroplasticity and a healthier mindset or another reason, the end result is the same.
Imagine that you were in an abusive relationship for many years. One of the hallmarks of abuse is that the abuser systematically breaks the victim down through force, fear, shame or other negative emotions. Over time, you might start to believe that you really are worthless. You might believe you’ll never find a better partner. In turn, you are depressed and often physically ill. When you feel physically and emotionally awful—and have these negative beliefs—you’re not in a position to leave, let alone find an emotionally healthy relationship. Changing those beliefs will free your brain and body up to pursue healthier patterns.
What happens in a resonance repatterning session?
Resonance repatterning practitioners use applied kinesiology during a session. The therapist will help you set goals for your sessions. Then they’ll initiate “muscle checks,” which involve checking your muscle response to a particular emotion or statement. Depending on whether you have a tense, flexed response or a relaxed one, that indicates whether your body is holding on to trauma.
The process is mostly hands-off. Some practitioners offer sessions over Zoom or the telephone. Once your practitioner has identified where, how and why you experience trauma, they’ll “prescribe” an at-home modality for you to do on your own. At your next session, you’ll go through the process again to see whether the physical trauma has lessened.
Is resonance repatterning real?
Since this is an alternative therapy, there’s a certain amount of healthy skepticism involved. After all, it’s easy to roll your eyes when people talk about vibrations and energy. However, the idea that the body “holds on” to trauma, and that we can change our neural pathways over time, is indeed supported by science. It’s also true that our bodies pulse with energy: we have our own electromagnetic fields and frequencies. This has been observed throughout the animal kingdom as well.
While scientists may not be rushing out to try resonance repatterning just yet, it might still be worth a try. If you have unexplained illnesses, your body could be holding on to old trauma and negative thought patterns. When nothing else has worked, why not try, well, vibrating at a different frequency?