Evan DeMarco


There’s Actually Good News About Climate Change in the IPCC Report

In August 2021, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a new report. In 2018, they had predicted…

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Your Introduction to HRV and its Role as an Exercise Metric

If you’re a fitness junkie, you need to measure HRV: heart rate variability. This is one of the best metrics…

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Are You Forgetting This Key Part of Your Journaling Practice?

Therapists have been touting the benefits of journaling for years, whether you do it on your own or in conjunction…

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Renewable energy

The Future’s Looking Bright for Renewables

A cleaner, greener future may be closer than you think. 2020 was the first year in history that renewable energy—solar,…

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The Science Behind DMT, the “Spirit Molecule”

When struggling to find meaning in your day-to-day existence, many people turn to spirituality or religion. The connection to something…

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Metabolic Blood Panel

What is a Metabolic Blood Panel and What Will it Tell You?

The older we get, the more important it is to go to the doctor regularly. Like performing routine maintenance on…

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Healthy Multiplicity

Exploring the Boundless Potential of Healthy Multiplicity

The “you” that you project to the world might change from day to day, depending on who you’re around, what…

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Ben Greenfield: Daily Healthy Living, Bio-Optimizing, and Spiritual Fitness

In the world of biohacking, Ben Greenfield may be the truest practitioner of that craft. Today in our candid interview…

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Can Science Really Identify the DNA Responsible for da Vinci’s Talent?

Talk about The da Vinci Code: scientists have been hard at work trying to trace famous artist, inventor and engineer…

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Improve Your Garden by Jumping on the Vermicomposting Trend

If you’ve spent the last year and a half trading social gatherings for gardening, you’re not alone. Millennials and Gen…

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Spiritual Awakening

Signs That You’re Having a Spiritual Awakening

Wake up! That’s not your alarm clock talking—it’s a spiritual cri de coeur. Maybe you’ve been sad because you’re outgrowing…

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respiratory strength

Increase Your Respiratory Strength with These Exercises

You never really think about the simple act of breathing until something hinders your ability to do so. Whether it’s…

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