Episode #22: Making Waves with Mitch Silverstein

Evan DeMarco and Janna Breslin venture down to San Diego and chat with Mitch Silverstein, Chapter Manager of Surfrider Foundation, an organization that is dedicated to protect our oceans, waves and beaches. Tune in to see what we can do as individuals on land to help those in the sea!
Mitch Silverstein Online & Social
IG: @Surfrider
IG: @Surfridersandiego
Facebook: @SurfriderSD
Web: Surfrider.org
Mitch Silverstein Quick Bio
The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network.
Mitch is a native Californian with a love for all things ocean, wave & beach-related. As an activist, he strives to raise awareness of how our everyday choices affect the ocean & planet, and advocates for sensible environmental policy at a local level. His ultimate goal is to see good environmental stewardship become mainstream, even “cool.” Mitch previously led the Rise Above Plastics committee, where he helped achieve several policy victories and expanded the Ocean Friendly Restaurants program. He also served as Vice Chair of the Executive Committee before being hired on as staff. As Chapter Manager, Mitch’s #1 priority is empowering volunteers to protect what they love. When not fighting the good fight, Mitch likes to surf, paddle, roller skate, and hang out with his niece. He’s also a big sci-fi nerd, but don’t tell anyone!