Social Responsibility

Microbes Could be the Answer to the World’s Growing Electronic Waste

Fifty years ago, the concept of smartphones, tablets and desktop computers populated science fiction novels, television shows and movies. As…

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Here’s Why a 4-Day Workweek Could be the Key to Saving Our Environment

Most of us grew up in a world where the workweek was five days with two-day weekends in-between. However, new…

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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Lifestyle Tips that are Good for the Planet and You

Your lifestyle impacts your longevity and health. From eating nutritious meals to regularly exercising, every part of your daily routine…

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We’ve Passed Earth’s Overshoot Day for 2020. Here’s What it Means.

A variety of religious, secular and federal holidays, and observances fill the calendar every year. While well-known days of celebration…

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Do You Have the Soul of a Warrior? The ‘Grit Factor’ Can Tell You.

Do you have grit? Passion and perseverance for long-term, meaningful goals might mean that you have the “soul of a…

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The Largest Ever Ocean Cleanup Just Removed 100 Tons of Plastic Trash from the Pacific

There’s no doubt that the ocean is full of trash. Many of us have grown up with an increased awareness…

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The Science Behind Altruism and Why Being a Good Person Makes You Happier

Everyone knows it feels good to help others. Charity work often comes to mind, whether it be a donation of…

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We’re on the Cusp of a Mass Extinction; There’s Still Time to do Something About It

If anyone had “mass extinction” on their list of the wonders 2020 would provide, you might be a bit closer…

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What Spaceship Earth Teaches us in a Time of Pandemic and Climate Change

If you’re too young to remember Biosphere 2, it might sound too out there to be true: a closed-system utopian…

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Finland Tests Universal Basic Income. The Result? Happiness.

As COVID-19 sweeps across the globe, resulting in many businesses shutting down or laying off their employees, many people—including Americans—are…

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Are we in for a COVID-19 Baby Boom at the End of 2020?

If you’re quarantining at home with your spouse or partner, you’ve probably already heard your friends and family joking about…

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Programmers Have Created Every Possible Melody, to Help Save Music

Have you ever listened to a song, and it reminded you of a different one? A person’s first thought might…

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