sexual health

Harlequin Romance and Erotic Fiction are Making a Comeback in a Big Way

The days of your mother’s romance novel—the ones with Fabio stoically gazing from the cover as a busty and scantily-clad…

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Do Aphrodisiac Foods Actually Stimulate, or is the Link Between Food and Sex a Myth?

Aphrodisiac foods have a reputation for increasing a person’s sex drive. Some believe eating these foods or feeding them to…

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Sex is Better With the Lights On! Here’s Why.

If you grew up in a household that viewed sex as shameful or “for adults only,” you might have internalized…

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Episode #2: Better sex, multiple orgasms and younger looking skin

Heard of O-Shot or P-Shot, female arousal oils? What’s all the buzz about stem cells and exosomes. Janna and Evan…

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The P Shot: PRP Shots to Enhance Male Sexual Health

As we age, our hormone levels change. In women, this change is marked by menopause and the end of childbearing…

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The O Shot: PRP to Boost Vaginal Pleasure Centers

The female orgasm has long been the subject of cultural mystery. On TV it’s portrayed as an earth-shattering, mind-blowing revelation……

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