

Pleasure Follows Pain: Why Make-Up and Break-Up Sex Are So Good

One minute you’re fighting. The next minute, you’re performing sexual acrobatics that your teenage self could have only dreamed of….

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Q&A on Janna and Evan’s Relationship + How They Make it Work

Curious about Janna and Evan’s relationship? We know most of you are and that’s why we put together this Q&A…

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Romantic Relationships

How Your Relationship with Your Parents Can Affect Your Romantic Relationships

“She has daddy issues.” “He’s such a mama’s boy.” You’ve probably heard these phrases at least once in your life….

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How to Tell if You’re a Manipulative Person—and What to Do to Change That

You probably don’t want to be thought of as a manipulative person. We might do it once in a while,…

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Practicing Gratitude Leads to Better Sex

How’s your sex life? If it could use a little boost, maybe you should try gratitude—and we don’t mean being…

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“Should We Try It?” How a Sex Questionnaire Can Help Set Boundaries and Improve Communication

Any relationship goes through its ups and downs, including in the bedroom. Whether you’ve been together months, years or decades,…

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