
Tantric Yoga

Tantric Yoga Can Open Your Mind to Self-Awareness

You’ve probably heard of tantra before—but many people don’t realize that tantra isn’t just for sex. While tantric practices can…

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Get in Touch With Your Prana: Your Life-Force Energy

Energy is all around us—and in us. Our bodies run on electrical impulses that power our brains, hearts and central…

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Understanding the Therapeutic Benefits of Yoga

Yoga may have originated in ancient India, but it is now a worldwide practice, with at least 55 million yogis…

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Anti-Gravity Yoga

What is Anti-Gravity Yoga and Why is it Gaining in Popularity?

Strength, flexibility, inner peace… and hanging from the ceiling? If you try anti-gravity yoga, you could experience all of these…

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How to Balance Your Chakras and Achieve Positive Polarity

Are you feeling off-kilter? (Who isn’t? After all, it’s 2020.) If you’ve tried everything else, why not try balancing your…

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What is a Chakra and What the Heck do I do About it?

Do you ever have those days when you feel… off? Something’s not right, but you can’t put  your finger on…

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